With every item I consider purchasing, I ask myself whether or not it is going to be a good investment, how many times I intend to wear it, what else it matches in my current wardrobe and finally, whether or not it is a classic, timeless piece. Of course, I do not always stick to classics as such, but the majority of the time, my investment pieces are timeless in nature. My advice to those of you wanting to invest in an item of clothing is to buy the very best quality you can afford. It is better to save and buy a garment which will stand the test of time and look fabulous in years to come, than it is to buy several garments of a lower quality. Another tip is to choose a garment in a classic style so that you can wear it season after season, regardless of what is on-trend. Classic styles include white collared shirts, tailored jackets, cashmere sweaters, a-line skirts, tailored pants, dark denim jeans and of course, the little black dress. Every girl needs at least one of those in
A style blog dedicated to the late Audrey Hepburn